Contact us

Office:  #102 – 22661 Lougheed Hwy. Maple Ridge, B.C. V2X 2V4                                                 Phone:   604 467-9295              Fax:  604 467-9072


President:                             Jason Franklin       

Vice President:                    Susanne Bonny    

Treasurer:                             Tracey Dahlin        

Recording Secretary:         Robbi-Lynn Lamour

Chief Shop Steward:          Lisset Peckham    


Trustees Sergeant At Arms    

Jacqueline Giroux


Robyn Strong – 3 year
Delores Zibulak – 2 year
Joy Evans – 1 year 


We encourage members to reach out to us if they have questions or concerns. Members of our executive will be happy to assist or will forward your message to a Shop Steward if appropriate.

Our Shop Stewards use their personal email addresses for correspondence. Their contact information can be found under the “Resources-Confidential” tab. Our Shop Stewards are: Dan Bertrand, Dianne Daigle, Karen Kuxhouse, Heather Lambert, Cora Lindgren, Christine MacVeigh, Christa Mitchell, Shay Olenick, Lindy Pinson, Jamy Walker