Bargaining 2022 Information

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Provincial Bargaining Committee (PBC)

CUPE’s B. C. K-12 Presidents’ Council  brings together 55 locals to coordinate provincial bargaining priorities and strategy and raise the profile of the work that CUPE members perform in support of public education.

CUPE’s K-12 sector in B.C. includes more than 30,000 school support staff in most of the province’s 60 school districts. Links to CUPE locals can be found here. Members work in every support role within the public school system from helping children arrive at school (bus drivers and crossing guards) to supporting students in the system (noon-hour supervisors, education assistants, cultural workers) through the clerical functions (such as payroll, bookkeeping, record keeping, accounting, secretarial in schools, resource centres and district offices).

The K-12 Provincial Bargaining Committee (PBC) is elected from all regions in British Columbia.

CUPE K-12 President’s Council Website

British Columbia Public School Employers’ Association (BCPSEA) and the K-12 Presidents Council (representatives from support staff unions in the K-12 public education sector, including CUPE) have, since 2006, engaged in negotiations for a Provincial Framework Agreement. The PFA provides provincial-level agreement on compensation as well as other key sectoral matters. The PFA paves the way for local school districts and local support staff unions to commence and conclude local bargaining. Inclusion of the PFA in the collective agreement is voluntary on the part of the local school district and their local union.
